Thursday, December 15, 2011

#joyful #thankful #loved

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord!
"I am joyful; because I have a forgiving Lord. He is almighty in every way.
He sees past all the flaws I have picked out myself,
& calls me beautiful." -Me
 joyful. I am happy, I have no idea if this is just a temporary thing but it's genuine right now. I can feel it throughout my body, I am ready for the coming events. I'm sorry I have taken so long to write but I just haven't felt the inspiration to write in awhile. I usually write because something is bothering me, right now though...everything is fine. EXCEPT I can't fall asleep but hopefully after I write this I'll be able to pass right out haha :) I feel as though I am starting to live my life for me. I've tried to please everyone for so long that I lost who I was, infact I lost all faith in God. Now I am joyful, this because I am starting to feel God's presence in my life. It's overwhelming, everytime I pray or listen to the readings at church I want to cry. Not because I'm sad, but because it's like God is speaking to me. He is reassuring me that I'm going to be just fine. 
scary. Lately, I haven't been able to sleep...I'm always thinking about death. Not my death, but about someone close to me. Like the death of my parents, the feeling that time is going by fast, soon they will be gone...soon I will be gone. I cry, I cry a lot because of this. I can't imagine life without my parents, honestly I can't. It doesn't matter how many fights I get into with them, or how many times I get mad at them for interrupting or distracting me. I love them with all of my heart, being the baby I'm so close with them. I am so fortunate to have been given the chance to be raised like an only child. They have done such a wonderful job at raising me, even if I won't admit it to them personally. I am a woman of my faith, who knows right and wrong. I have a strong head on my shoulders and I know what I want to do with my life. I have no interest in drugs, alcohol, or partying; college is just more school. I would love to stay in college forever if it wasn't so expensive, because after college it's the real world; this scares the crap outta me. Once I hit the real world, time really flies...people I know become people I knew. Kids grow up, adults pass away, there's mouths to feed and bills to pay. I'll be raising my own children. AHH! I just want time to slow much.
thankful. For family that continue to challenge me, for friends that continue to come into my life and change it for the better. I am thankful for obstacles, because without them I would never know how strong I really am. For my faith, without it I'd be just another person lost in this world trying to find a purpose blindly. I'm thankful for tears and laughter, because they are signs of a life well lived. I am thankful for the education I've been blessed to receive. There is so much to be thankful for! I wish I would see this more often. 
loved. I feel loved; like God is wrapping his love around me and saying "It's about time" 
forgiveness. Have I ever been struggling with this one. I want to work on this. I don't want to be someone who holds grudges and has hard feelings about people. I definitely want to pray about this for the next few months. 

Prayer Requests:
1. strength
2. wisdom
3. forgiveness
4. Health
5. guidance
6. selflessness

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