;; He who hesitates is lost,
but what if I'm just looking before I leap?
but what if I'm just looking before I leap?
Lost. No, not the TV show. (Which I never was interested in really) I'm at that place where I'm wondering what in the world I'm supposed to be doing right now. Maybe this is just pure exhaustion speaking from none other than my ability to procrastinate, and procrastinate well. This time it was a three to four page essay writing about a painting. Not just in my own perspective, which would've been hard to make into 3 pages, but in the perspective of this guy named Berger. This was even harder because I had NO idea what this Berger guy would think of my painting. Oh I did it though! I even managed to get roughly four hours of sleep too. So now I'm clinging to a cup of iced coffee with an espresso shot, begging for it to wake me up.
Classes. So we are now in the third week of classes and it's hump day. YAY HUMP DAY! I really love my classes and the way I have my schedule worked out. Sure, Mondays & Wednesdays absolutely suck, but hey I have quite a few breaks between them to hang out at my favorite place this semester which is also known as the library. Yup, I can hear your groans right now. I really do love people watching in the library though, it's mainly the same thing...people on their laptops, creeping on facebook, while having headphones in their ears. No joke, try it. Then there's me, not creeping on facebook and instead writing about creeping on people in the real life. HAHA! Seriously, I just laughed out loud. (LOL in reality) Back to what this paragraph is SUPPOSED to be about. There is a lot of reading to my classes, which is to be expected but at least it's somewhat interesting. At least my anthropology class is a really exciting read. One out of four isn't so bad. I haven't given up on psych and soc though, I have a feeling they will pick up soon. Which I think tonight I need to get on track and read for those classes again, at least psych. It's the best thing I can do to help me not fail psych, since I missed class yesterday.
Counseling. I think I'm getting much better at handling my own problems now, but I don't think I'm at that point to just stop going anymore. Maybe just not on a regular basis, which reminds me. I missed Co-Dep group again. BLAH. I hate lazy pile of crap days, I did nothing productive yesterday and I felt like I was missing something. Well...I made a bad impression. Two groups I've missed now, I feel really bad because I'm not one to just miss something without giving that person notice. I don't have any excuse either, because I just stayed home yesterday until I finally went in to meet my friend for studying, then I was somewhat productive in the shopping aspect of life -_- I know, I think I have a problem.
Well that about sums up my day, I'm sure I have plenty more to ramble on about but I really need to skim this chapter and go over my soc notes before my notecard quiz, oh the life I live. I imagine I'm on that path to eventually finding myself. Until I get there though, you can track my progress :)